Archive for the ‘Jobs’ Category

Let’s Roll

To all those who have observed the lack of postings in the last months:  I (regretfully) deferred to what appeared a rising awareness of the tyrannical activities of Congress (defined for now as the trashing of the Constitution of the United States in favor of political power and personal opportunities).   I witnessed the rise of the Tea Parties (hopefully soon to become one integrated and proactive organization to remove elected representatives who do not listen to their constituents).  And I happily viewed the increasing public awareness and viewing of programs such as that by Glenn Beck, who has, perhaps, done more than most to educate the American public about the realities of out-of-control spending and the attempt by the progressives to turn our nation into a socialist republic.

Recent news – such as Senator Chris Dodd’s recent announcement about removing himself from future candidacy, the poor poll performance of Harry Reid, and the election results in Virginia and New Jersey – further encouraged me to remain quiet as the American system of representative government hopefully began to repair itself.

Yet the Democrats in both the House and the Senate remain more loyal supporters of their party than patriots who value and protect our nation.  They are using OUR money to bribe Senators to vote against the wishes of their constituents – a clear violation of the equal treatment of all states by the Federal government not to mention a violation of other laws.  They have claimed their intent is to bend down the cost curve of medical care, yet their actions accomplish just the opposite – and they refuse to acknowledge that truth.  They have attempted to legislate natural law (i.e., the laws of physics and chemistry) in their pursuit of complete political control through so-called “cap and trade” energy legislation, which ensures an even steeper decline in our nation’s ability to compete internationally and which ignores the reality of currently affordable technology.  On this subject they are therefore showing themselves to be immune to logic, truth, economics, and science.

Future postings will also explore the inanities and politicization of environmental science the Democrats claim as unequivocal truth – as well as the lies and misrepresentations of the health care legislation.  Add to this idiocy less-publicized attempts to capture votes from people with questionable voting credentials (i.e., the bowing to the very labor unions who not only count ‘undocumented workers’  among their membership and therefore steal jobs from US citizens,  but who have been instrumental in forcing manufacturing jobs overseas),  the inability to distinguish war from civil criminality, subversion of the First Amendment via FCC regulation,  and the executive branch power grab involving the declaration of carbon dioxide – an atmospheric gas produced every time we exhale and one required for life on this planet – as a ‘pollutant.’

The Republicans, although not as active in their actions to destroy our economy and the nation still remain “The party of NO” without clear or insightful programs that offer an ALTERNATIVE to the historically unsuccessful attempts by the Democrats to install larger and more tyrannical government.  For that reason alone, they are also guilty of inexcusably poor performance in their jobs.  At the VERY least they should be exercising the skills of their attorneys (if they have any, because the trial lawyers have been supporting the Democrats in refusing to consider tort reform related to medical care-giving) and bringing cases to the Supreme Court citing violations of the Tenth Amendment as well as other Constitutional limitations on government power.

As elections are less than eleven months away, it is now time to once again take fingers to keys and add postings to this blog.  I shall be doing so in the near future.  I can only hope that all thinking Americans will NOT do as I have done (i.e., sit back and watch) but will re-energize their attempts to shrink our government to its proper size, bring spending under control, and institute plans to bring more manufacturing and truly wealth producing jobs back into our nation.

The first step is to ensure that all incumbents (no matter whether they are actively destroying this nation or simply going along because it benefits them personally) be removed from office.

Let’s roll.

The Most Toxic of All

If there were ever a question of which Washington legislator most deserves to be deprived of another term, one who most deserves recall for manufacturing defects and for ignoring time-between-overhaul checkups on sanity, there can be only one answer to that question:

Madame Pelosi

Madame Pelosi

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

This radioactive ‘madame’ of the Congress is one of the most deserving. She would be a toxic asset except for the fact that she is no asset at all. And to think that she stands third in line behind the glib but substance-less President and the bozo who has perpetual foot-in-mouth disease…. Read the rest of this entry »