Despite a reputation for notoriously short memories, any American over the age of thirty (and probably many who are younger) knows these three words so well that they can complete the statement that began with them: “Read my lips! No new taxes!” The political statement ranks right up there with nuggets like “Speak softly and carry a big stick,” “Ich bin ein Berliner,” “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall,” and “I didn’t inhale.”

It is interesting that those six words of George H.W. Bush live on, despite the fact that they became a lie a few months after they were spoken. Perhaps they are particularly interesting right now because, during the last election, We the People heard very similar words from candidate Obama: “I can make a firm pledge,” he said many times. “Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase.”

Yet the largest increase in tobacco taxes – 62 cents on a pack of cigarettes (an increase of 151%) – took effect this year. Other tobacco products saw similar or even higher increases in the Federal tax.  As noted by Calvin Woodward of the Associated Press, “This is one tax that disproportionately affects the poor, who are more likely to smoke than the rich.” A moderate smoker, who consumes about a half pack a day, would pay an additional $115 in Federal taxes per year.

Obama’s broken promises do not stop there. Not too long after his inauguration, Lawrence Summers, the President’s chief economic adviser, reminded us of his boss’ pledge: “Let’s be very clear,” he exclaimed. There are no, no tax increases next year.” As those words were spoken on March 31, 2009, it is assumed that they apply to the year 2010.

It is difficult to believe that Mr. Summers was unaware of  footnote 1 on page 127 of President Obama’s budget, which reads: “The estate tax is maintained at its 2009 parameters.” According to the Wall Street Journal, this means that the ‘death tax’ will not fall to zero next year as scheduled under current law. Estates in excess of $3.5 million will instead be taxed at up to 45 percent. No tax increases next year?  There is a bridge in Brooklyn I wish to sell….

Both of the above quoted statements that involve pledges not to increase taxes have become lies in the ignominious tradition of American politics. Either American’s memories are truly extraordinarily short (which might be occasionally questionable, as they do remember George H.W. Bush’s broken promise), or we are among the most gullible people to ever walk the face of the earth.

Hasn’t anybody considered the full consequences of these tax increases?  In the case of tobacco, it discourages US farmers from growing it.  This, in turn, lowers the amount of tobacco we are able to export, which is, in turn, detrimental to our international balance of trade.   The huge deficits in international trade we continue to rack up have changed us from a creditor nation to a debtor nation.  Our wealth is not just leaking overseas; the flow is massive.  Higher taxes on our products and businesses (which are already taxed at the second highest rate in the world, and which the President intends to further increase)  can do nothing except exacerbate the problem.

It is time to stop the spin, the broken promises, the misdirections, payoffs, kickbacks, and similar immoral activities by the politicians in office from the local level to the top of the Federal government. It is time to vote honest, intelligent, and educated people who know how to listen AFTER they get into office.  Furthermore, send the message that We the People will not tolerate dishonorable elected officials and their appointees who know in advance that they intend to break their word to us. To show those officials how serious we really are: